Roller Coaster Proposal

Here Is The Craziest Marriage Proposal Of Most. Damn. Time.

It’s hard to know what Austin Crecelius was considering as he proposed to his sweetheart Allie on a moving roller coaster. “Don’t drop the ring,” will have to end up being on top of record.

“i am hoping my friends get this on movie,” could be a close second.

Apparently, at some point in their crazy relationship, Allie told Austin that existence was actually like a roller coaster, using its highs and lows. He latched onto this idea, foregoing a fancy restaurant or walk on the beach for “The Voyage” at getaway industry.

Look at the video clip below. As Austin introduces into his spiel and so they begin to go, Allie begins paying a lot more awareness of her date as compared to future drop. He is in Speech form, maybe not their typical talking voice. She will tell anything is actually up.

“Life has its own downs and ups, twists and changes,” says Austin, “and it also merely throws you for a loop occasionally.”

“But it’s far more fun with a buddy,” he goes on. By the time the guy gets to “therefore i wished to ask you to answer…” Allie is actually overcome with emotion.

Too overcome to react a lot towards the terrifying descent that comes after. But by the time they get to base, she is smiling.

In addition to causeing this to be hand motion — like, “guy, exactly what the hell was actually that?”

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Good on Austin for incorporating one butterflies-in-the-stomach occasion with another for a proposal his spouse will never forget. And all the best towards the brand new pair. Discover wanting that, no matter what pros and cons to their future journey together, it’s full of delights.